Information presented in geographic, multi-dimensional or temporal context brings extra perspective on issues. It gives advantage! This collection of articles focuses on cutting edge and free open source technologies, basics of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and practical examples of real-life mobile and online mapping, Business Intelligence (BI) and Location Based Services (LBS) applications.
Selection of the latest information from the cybersphere that caught editor's eye...
Previous posts: Driving directions with real-time traffic | Continental reference image | Free high resolution imagery | Map of landfill and recycle sites | Free imagery for WA | New elevation and land cover data | Apple 3D mapping quest | No copyright on databases and maps? | Google Map creators get recognition | Apple buys mapping company | adds 3D map view | TomTom launches online maps in Australia | UK unlocks vaults of spatial data | Google Street View in 3D | MapData Sciences sale to ESRI | Map advertising Take 3 | Google to index data from mashups |
Feature Articles on Spatial Things
Highlights of key developments in the spatial industry or concerning spatial technologies...
Previous posts: HTML5 and maps | Free Data a GFC casualty | Spatial Services Directory | Geospatial Revolution | Video Street View | Australian Postcodes User Guide | Google launches Fusion Tables | Is SVG ready for comeback? | Data overload makes SDI obsolete | Large format PDF Postcode Maps | Map of the future | Free data - sign of times... | Pixel worth 1000 bits | Ed Parsons on Spatial Data Infrastructure | Pushing the limits of GPS navigation | Immersive video yet to make its mark | Ingenuity of Google Map architecture also its main limitation | Photosynth - big promise or just a fancy photo viewer? |
Featured Maps
Examples of interesting mobile, online and desktop mapping applications from around the World
Previous posts: Visualisng census data on maps | Landslides in Australia | Historic Atlas of the Suburbs of Sydney | Map of Melbourne house prices | Google Public Alerts map | Aircraft noise maps | Mapping crime in Canberra | UK crime statistics revisited | VicRoads traffic alerts map | Sydney house prices | Mapping Australian social diversity | Mapping social diversity in NSW | Interactive Atlas of NSW | Maps and property investment | WA housing affordability index | Perth bushfires | Map pinpoints low cost regions for holiday travel | NSW traffic conditions map |
GIS in Action
Examples of application of Geographic Information System (GIS) and related tools for problem solving, decision making and tons of other personal or business uses.
Previous posts: Visualising correlations on maps | Geospatial Revolution continues | How maps can improve sales | Incorrect maps lead to war | Bad location can send you broke | The Extraordinary Taxi Ride | Tracking things with maps | Intriguing map of government censorship | Intriguing map of government censorship | Google Map pinpoints blast origin | Maps in Viral Marketing |
Handy Tools
Must have free and practical tools and applications for websites, business and research
Data viz tool from dataappeal"No-cost introduction to visualisation of corporate data on 3D maps..."
Previous posts: Reference Map for Fusion Tables | Launching Census 2011 Online Maps | Mapping sun position, anywhere | Postode Finder upgrade | Shp data and Fusion Tables | Weather widget take 3 | Free postcodes with Reference Map | Generalising geographic data | Converting shapefile into KML | Converting csv data into shapefile | Colours for thematic mapping | Free weather widget upgrade | Free postcode search widget | Free Address Validation Tool | Manual geocoder for 70 countries | Free Australian weather widget | Post code maps and population statistics |
Geography and GIS Basics
Information you need to know to take advantage of free spatial data and available open source technologies...
Previous posts:
Map Basics: Map reading guide |
Map basics: datum, coordinate system and projections |
Map Basics: Map reading guide |
Map basics: datum, coordinate system and projections |
How to... guides and tutorials
Step by step instructions to help you make the most of free resources available on the net
Census 2011 Online Maps User Guide"This is a comprehensive introduction to a free online application from"
Direct links to
Free tools and applications for webmasters and business users
Postcode demographic data and maps | Address Validation tool and Simple Geocoder | Bushfire map and Historical bushfire information | Weather map | Snowfields Weather NSW and Victoria | Topographic maps | Maps for dial-up connections | Free link directory | Free widgets for websites | Free graphics | Instructions on how to link to maps |