Thursday, July 1, 2010

Google Map API 5th Birthday

Five years ago, on 29 June 2005, Google officially released API for its online map to allow enthusiastic developers to add online mapping functionality and interactivity to thousands of websites. Current official figure of Google Map mashups stands at 350,000! What initially started as blatant but ingenuous hacks to present point data on an interactive map embedded in an ordinary HTML page was turned by Google engineers into a robust and continuously evolving tool that even the least experienced webmasters can easily deploy on their websites to mashup content from variety of sources.

To commemorate the occasion Keir Clarke from Google Maps Mania released Mappybirthday Google Map mashup … to map Google Map mashups from around the World! There are some 300 individual applications mapped so far and you can add you own in one simple step. So, add your favourite Google Map mashups to the map and/or explore to see what is being mashed up in your country!

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