Friday, July 24, 2009

New features on Google Map for mobile v3.2

The latest upgrade of Google Map for mobile phones extends the functionality of the application and allows simultaneous viewing of multiple information layers on top of background map. The layers include traffic, local search results for business listings, Latitude friend locations and points-of-interest descriptions from Wikipedia. Google also enabled viewing user created My Maps content as a layer and there were significant improvements made in presentation of local search results on the map. For full description of new features please see Google Mobile blog.

Google Maps for mobile works on most phones including:
  • Android
  • iPhone (pre-installed)
  • All color BlackBerry devices
  • Most Java-enabled (J2ME) mobile phones
  • Windows Mobile devices with Windows Mobile 5.0 and above
  • Symbian S60 3rd Edition (most new Nokia smartphones and all 3G Symbian devices)
  • Palm devices with Palm OS 5 and above
As with many “things Google”, there are different options to view maps on your mobile device and there is extensive functionality available for each of these options but you have to discover it all for yourself. Documentation can be confusing. For clarity, maps for mobile are different from recently upgraded Google Map v3 available for Internet browsers (including those on mobile devices!)

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